Save the Date: August 10 West PTCO Check-In Day!

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 10 for our WMS PTCO Check-In. Please mark this date on your calendar now. Our wonderful PTCO is organizing this day so that families will have the opportunity to pick up class schedules, get a locker and try it out, load money on lunch accounts, receive Track information, and learn more about our PTCO.

Check-in will be available from 8:00am-12:00 pm and 2:00-6:00 pm. Your check-in time will be determined by your last name.

A detailed email with all necessary information for this day on July 31.

In order to check-in, parents must first complete the CCSD Parent Forms on before arriving. We will not be able to release your student’s schedule or locker information until these forms are completed.

Please Volunteer to Help!

With close to 1,000 families attending this check-in, we need as many parent volunteers as possible to help with the check-in. Here is a link to sign up to volunteer for the check-in process on August 10:

This is a great way to meet other families and staff members at West. We’d love to have your support with this!

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